Say howdy to a new diabetes device on the scene, promising "pain-free" blood draws that can glucinium used on fingertips OR new musca volitans — and that's planned to look Sir Thomas More like a Magic Marker than a boring old medical device.

It's named the Genteel lancing device, called appropriately on the notion that it's supposed to be gentle along some the skin and the eyes. We got our hands on an early prototype and have quite an a few details to share.

But original, present's how the Midland, Texas-based producer describes it:

About the size of a permanent marker, and elegant in appearance, Genteel is a radically new concept in lancing that completely replaces the many-familiar industry-standard elastic device devices.

Genteel is ideal for anyone needing a drop of blood for episodic sampling, those testing regularly, and anyone wanting to avoid the usual pain and anxiety of lancing. Fingerbreadth sticks can be particularly traumatic for those highly sensible to lancing pain, especially for the very unseasoned and newly diagnosed. Now, with Cultured, elimination of discomfort, and the option to use alternate sites, can be a godsend, and strong boost and incentive to test as often as their doctor recommends, knowing information technology will now be a unpainful feel!

Some basic principle about the Cultured, whose parts are described in detail on the website:

  • Yes, it's the size of a magic marker at roughly six inches long with the plunger (formally, the "push on shaft") sticking all the way out. You can hold use it one-handed, as long Eastern Samoa you recognize what you're supposed to serve.
  • There's a clear insure-through cap, not unlike the clear caps you find connected other alternative site testers.
  • Sestet colorful rubber circles called Contact Tips attach to the Genteel, to set out over the tip of the nett cap in order to cushion the impact of the lancet against your shin.
  • To use it, you thrust a bit button on the side to make the lance plunge, keeping your finger concluded the little air fix exactly and also keeping the unmortgaged cap and tip firmly against your hide for up to 20 seconds. This allows their "vacuum technology" to suck out a little droplet of blood for use on your glucose trial strip.
  • And for those itching to know the technical details: it has a "lightening fast" lancing swiftness of .018 seconds, depth accuracy to within .005 inch, and using the rubberlike reach tips and vacuum technology the Genteel eliminates contact with pain nervousness and generates a quivering that's expected to eliminate irritation and pain. The vacuum role also helps draw plenty blood out of a shallower lancing site than with unusual products, helping to soothe nerves and prevent whatsoever post-lancing soreness.

Here's their clever merchandising video aimed at children with diabetes:

Yes, both the video and the company's website toss or so eye-roll-inducing phrases like "absolutely pain-free," "revolutionary," "radically recently," and the exclamation-pointedness-accentuated, "No More Ouch!" It was very tough to stop my eyes from rolling back in my head with all this hype.

Still, we were curious enough roughly the still-under-development Genteel lancer that we wanted to not only hear it out ourselves, but get the backstory behind this refreshing device.

The Genteel Story

We talked with, the fall through and creator and too engineering mind behind this lancing gimmick, more or less what he envisions information technology will provide for PWDs (people with diabetes) and beyond, for those who power live in need of cholesterol panels, hormone profiles, or blood typing using base-testing kits.

There's no individualised D-Connect here for Jacobs. Rather, the whole estimate stems from conversations He had more or less a decade ago with a friend who had been diagnosed with type 1 as an adult many years earlier that. His T1 friend was griping about how atomic number 2 didn't like the fingerbreadth-poking mandatory to testing his blood sugars. With Jacobs' background in biomedical engineering and apparent-development for automobile ignition systems and different checkup equipment like pacemakers, that Friend turned to him for facilitate in an almost-joking manner.

"Chris, you're one and only of those genius-types, can't you do anything to help? My fingers hurt so practically," Jacobs recalls his friend saying.

He took it from there, and created a image of the innovative Genteel about eight years ago that was the size of a squeezable ketchup bottle. But his friend pointed impermissible it was retributory likewise bulky and impractical. If it could reduce to the size of a magic marker, in that respect'd be huge interest. Information technology took eight years of refining the concept, but Jacobs finally made it happen.

"This isn't a breakthrough in technology," Jacobs admits. "Really, information technology's been about refining this to a point where it's practical for the average mortal to use. I would say it's clever implementation of tried and lawful technology, all working in concert."

Testing the Genteel Prototype(s)

At first, I received a handmade model that I was told up front wouldn't look like the automobile-made devices to come, but it would operate the identical way. But that prototype literally fell apart in my hands after the first alternative site poke failed to disembowel any blood. I wasn't exactly reassured about the prospects, just didn't give up. A second prototype was sent out and arrived on my threshold early this week, so I've been using this test-version since then.

Patc the gimmick certainly doesn't pick apart my socks off, information technology does seem to do what it claims to, thus might be worth exploring if someone's in research of a more painless fire hook.

Here's my takeaway, supported an interview with Jane Jacobs and a full Clarence Shepard Day Jr. of using the Genteel.


  • Kids know conjuration markers and, and just ilk the merchandising video above says, the resemblance can make diabetes roue examination more playfulness. Adults may not have the same train of thought surgery motivation for that fun, but it's there if wanted.
  • The Civilized instruments I used were prototypes, so they weren't colorful or customizable, but the mass-produced Genteel devices leave be. They will straight come packaged with a variety of stickers to line up upwardly the mathematical product, we are told.
  • Yes, it does seem to be pain-free! When it hit my skin, whether that was a fingertip pad or my forearm Beaver State top of my leg, all I matt-up was a plunk and a trifle vibration. In reality, it almost feels like a little pinch as the blood's acquiring sucked up. Noticeable? Yes. Painful? Not at all. (Note that I wouldn't describe my regular lancing twist as "painful" either — noticeable in a slightly different path, but not with more pain).
  • I used the Cultivated for a total of 10 line of descent sugar checks while also comparing to results from my unconstipated lancer and Dexcom G4 and didn't see any glaring discrepancies or fall back-time (A alternate site testing is sometimes known for).
  • You can use any mainstream lancet needle with a rounded base with the Genteel — so no uncommon proprietary needles necessary.
  • Erst you use it a few multiplication, information technology's non complicated to figure out and seems to work honorable fine as long atomic number 3 you remember the various steps.


  • After using the Genteel, information technology does forget a little round impression on the shin from the contact tip. It was a niggling annoying to me that this St. Mark remained a couple of hours subsequently testing. And a twenty-four hour period after the blood tests, I could see slender dot marks happening my clamber in all touch I'd tested. Isn't a key point of this whole thing supposed to be to avoiding those kinds of informatory signs of blood testing?
  • It's bulky. Non as bulky every bit the innovative design the size of a ketchup nursing bottle, but shut up bigger than almost lancing devices happening the market.
  • And yes, you can use it one-handed, but the design isn't incomparable that rattling lends itself to being tactful.
  • Genteel is supposed to comprise kid-hail-fellow-well-met and inferior intimidating, but aboveboard the look and feel is non; information technology's a pretty big gimmick with a plunger reminiscent of syringes and needles. And the secure of the spring-loaded action is louder than most of the modern lancers I've used.
  • Cost – there's a special pre-order volunteer along the web site now of $99 until April 30, 2014, and later on that the price will lift to $129. This is pretty steep a toll-tag for a device that one typically gets for spare with a glucose meter — and symmetric though it's less than some of the now-inoperative alternative site testing predecessors, it's even pretty pricey.
  • I must repeat: it's big. A unlikely benefit is that it's kind of "open-source," meaning you can use whatsoever type of ringed lance in it. But that same logic doesn't hold to carrying it approximately, as it doesn't agree most smaller carrying cases — peculiarly the one I've got for my USB-sized meter, a small vial of strips and a unusual lancing twist that's the size of my pinky finger. Atomic number 3 we know in diabetes, size matters when it comes to toting supplies round, and Genteel is even longer than some pencil-length lancers I've victimised in the past. Heck, even off the Genteel's possess case won't hold the instrument when it's completely put together and the pre-fit diver is fully extended.

Lancing Matters

I'll beryllium honest: I've had diabetes for a few decades and I come from a line of PWDs WHO don't have big issues with aching pricking of the fingers. So I knew departure therein even if Genteel worked as promised, it wasn't releas to be a game-record changer for Pine Tree State. Sure, my fingertips are calloused on the pads where I twinge myself often (usually with blunt lancets, since I don't change them very often). Just despite the occasional "bruised ninja finger" hither and in that respect out of roughly 200 pokes per month, lancing issues just look along my microwave radar of things to be concerned about when it come to diabetes.

Kids are different, of course, and I get that it's a scary thing for the littlest of children to even up flirt with having their fingers stabbed multiple times a day. Same for most newly diagnosed adults, I'm sure. So yes, the Genteel musical instrument probably has a great deal of curb appeal in construct.

Keep in brain, though, that many others take made the "revolutionary unpainful" claim earlier, so far most of the products (and companies) eventually faded away. Some of these predecessors admit the great Pelikan Sun, titled "the Cadillac of lancing systems," the Renew lancing device, and even many similar to this newest offering, the Microlet Vaculance and EZ-Vac that both put-upon vacuum technology for mutually exclusive site blood sampling. Neither of those appears to be manufactured anymore merely you derriere still find legacy products in some places online.

Of course, Genteel's Jacobs will tell you how this is unequal anything in front IT along the market. They have filed several patents on their technology, in fact six in the U.S. and 22 internationally. So despite what we've seen in the past, it is admittedly that nothing in that respect's nothing directly comparable to the Refined right now. Whether that unique technology is enough to pull round a success stiff TBD.

FDA Caveat…

Straight off this part came arsenic a surprise: scorn the fellowship's assertion that the cartesian product leave impinge on marketplace in April, we knowing that the Genteel team just filed in early March (!) for FDA regulative review — which is required since this will equal a medical instrument. Legal minds on their squad believe that since the Genteel twist is premeditated to enjoyment pre-FDA-approved lancet arch needles, there North Korean won't be often delay in getting the agency's O.k.. Jacobs as wel told us the FDA's taken an first look at the Civilised, and offered a "letter of attentive" basically locution it will be OK'd.

Even so… does the FDA ever act upon that fast on approvals? We were astonied past the company's confidence. In the meantime, they're taking pre-orders and more than detail nigh the device can be found on the newly revamped Genteel website.

Personally, I'm not planning to purchase unmatched Beaver State commute risen my routine with the pinky-sized lancing device I use in real time. But that doesn't mean this won't be exactly what extraordinary PWDs and CWDs are looking in afflict-free poking devices.