
How To Repair A Acculine Laser Level

How to repair the laser level do information technology yourself



In the course of construction work, a nuisance can happen - the necessary tool will break. How to make a repair laser level do it yourself?

Laser level

The laser level must non be dropped, overloaded or misused.

At that place are several major problems that sometimes have owners of this type of leveling. It should be prepared to practise contained repairs in almost cases. Special equipment may exist required, which is available only in optical-mechanical workshops. Only a non-professional person will also cope with simple works.

The first and near common problem is that the device has stopped showing accurate measurements. This device has become popular due to its technical qualities, namely, loftier-precision readings, which is very important for any repair work. Bank check their definiteness should be every few months.

Why is the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation level inaccurate?

Scheme location axes when checking the level

Schemes of location of the axes when checking the level: А-В - schemes of the location of the axes when checking the level; 1000 - the position of the level in the third calibration.

The reason for the repair may be a violation of storage conditions, shaking during transportation. To check the operating status of the device, the readings are estimated by several values:

  • vertical line (referred to every bit y);
  • horizontal line (called ten);
  • plane in a state of inclination.

You can check the horizontal beam in a simple way. This volition require a room with a large area. Each wall should be about 20 m. Identify a device virtually 1 wall, so turn information technology on. A projection will be displayed on the wall bordering the level. Put a marker on it. It will marker the starting signal.

And then, turning the device on 180 °, perform similar deportment on the opposite side. This will exist a continuation of the beam.

Important! Do not dislodge the tool during operation. Transfer it should exist so that all the points that you put before, coincided with the fundamental.

The last characterization should be on the third wall. Information technology is placed on the same principle as the second. The repair procedure should be repeated ii times. This way you lot can eliminate the fault and farther problems with the tool.

Diagram of the laser level device

The scheme of the laser level device.

Note the difference between the readings. If it is inside the normal range, it means that the device is working properly. Otherwise, repairs volition be required. Carefully disassemble the structure. Inside you lot volition discover a small antenna. He is responsible for the slope of the caput. If an offset occurs during a fall, the level volition display inaccurate data. Therefore, it should be corrected. Some masters advise to remove information technology, arguing that the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation level can exist used in any plane.

Similarly, you tin can check on the vertical line. The only difference is in the position of the device. By turning information technology 90 °, you volition get a projection in a different plane.

If the findings point a difference, you volition need to take the measures indicated to a higher place.

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Repair: practical recommendations

You should know that not only the antennae displacement can crusade a voiced problem and repair. Its cause may be a failure in the configuration of the cargo. And you lot can solve it past following these steps:

Diagram of the optical level device

Diagram of the device optical level.

  1. Remove the sticker from the case surface. Opening the device, in whatever case, you lose the warranty.
  2. Below you lot volition find a spiral made of plastic. Opening it, you volition see a screw called "A". This is the load. Carefully audit the platform. You will immediately notice deviations.
  3. Rotating the spiral "A", observe the desired position. This can be achieved by hanging a plumb line on the wall.
  4. Check the position of the horizontal and vertical rays. They should be fine.
  5. Check frontal roll.
  6. Finally, in guild to adjust the platform, it is necessary to slightly loosen the screw in the centre, and those from the edges should be tightened. This is in order to shift it lower and tilt forward. If you lot desire to raise the platform, then do the reverse. Farthermost screws loosen, and the one in the eye, tighten. The process requires utmost care.

If the laser level has broken glass, you lot can replace it yourself.

To practice this, purchase the material. Then on its surface make a markup that will correspond to the shape of the spoiled i. Drinking glass should be purchased with a width of about ii.5 mm. Replace when finished.

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How to set up push button dropping

If buttons are lost at the laser level or they cease to switch, this happens because with regular utilize they are pressed too difficult. You lot can repair yourself. It is necessary to disassemble the device and solder the detached contact with a special device - a soldering iron.

Tip! In society that the solder does not disappear during further operation, the work is performed using a special solder. The chief constituent substance is flux.

The laser level requires a very careful attitude. Therefore, if in the process of use you find defects, you should immediately try to eliminate them. Minor piece of work you can do yourself. Simply in example of serious damage, contact the experts. If you do non understand anything in this repair, it will exist amend. Otherwise, you will non only not repair the product, simply also worsen it. And buying a new 1 will cost much more than repairing a service center. In whatever case, it's up to you. Proficient luck!


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